How our senses can help our mental health these holidays.

Hey there!

The end of year is nearly here and with it all the chaos that this time usually brings. Finding moments to check in with your mental and emotional health and execute strategies when things feel distressing or overwhelming isn’t easy. However, there’s a nifty way we can quickly shift how we feel through engaging with our senses. It’s called sensory modulation, its quick and can be a highly effective way to stay on top of our moods and support emotional regulation – which, lets face it, is kind of like a superpower at this time of year.

In this blog post, we’ll talk a little about what sensory modulation is and explore how it can be a game-changer for our mental health.

Understanding Sensory Modulation:

Sensory modulation refers to the process by which our nervous system regulates and organizes the sensory input from our environment. It involves the ability to filter, interpret, and respond appropriately to various sensory stimuli. These stimuli can include sights, sounds, smells, tastes, and tactile sensations. Think of it as the brain’s way of managing the constant influx of information it receives.

The Senses and Mental Health:

Our senses play a pivotal role in shaping our mental and emotional states. For example, exposure to natural light, calming colours, or soothing sounds can have a profound impact on our mood and stress levels. Conversely, overstimulation from bright lights, loud noises, or chaotic environments can contribute to feelings of anxiety and overwhelm… Basically December.

How can tapping into our senses help our Mental Health:

  • Can change stress levels by either calming or activating the nervous system.
  • Works quickly and when it is needed.
  • Works at the times when we are feeling distressed and overwhelmed.
  • Helps to feel better without engaging thinking mechanisms.
  • Helps build on skills to manage difficult situations and cope better.
  • Helps build confidence and feelings of control in situations that have previously been avoided or worried about.
  • Can promote participation in meaningful activities.

Incorporating Sensory Modulation into Your Routine:

Mindful Breathing: Practice deep, mindful breathing to promote relaxation and centre yourself amidst daily stressors. I like to practice the 4-Square Breathing technique. Start by breathing in for a count of four, hold that breath for a count of four, slowly release the breath over a count of four, then pause for a count of four, then take another slow breath in for a count of four and repeat cycle for five rounds.

Creating a Sensory-Friendly Space: Personalize your living or working space with elements that cater to your sensory preferences, such as soft lighting, calming colors, and comforting textures. Over

December I need a lot of down time, and love to have soft soothing music playing in the background to help me feel relaxed.

Nature Connection: Spend time in nature to reap the benefits of natural sights, sounds, and smells. Even a short walk in a park can do wonders for your sensory well-being. I also love spending time with my dog, going for walks, playing with her or just sitting and cuddling her. I find I’m really present with her, focused on what I can see, hear, smell, and how her fur and body feels. I find spending time with her very grounding and relaxing for my nervous system.

Limiting Screen Time: Reduce exposure to bright screens, especially before bedtime, to support better sleep and reduce sensory overstimulation. I also try to limit my social media use, that stuff can be highly addictive, talk about dopamine dump! I have a setting on my phone that turns the phone to sleep mode by 9.30pm which helps me to put… Highly recommend.

December and the lead up to Christmas can be so stressful. There is so many demands on our time and energy. We really encourage you to try to take moments in your day to connect with your senses and utilise them to help you regulate your emotions and stay on top of your mental and emotion health. By taking intentional steps to create a sensory-friendly environment and incorporating some of the techniques mentioned above into our daily lives, hopefully you will be able to navigate this holiday period with resilience, serenity, and a renewed sense of well-being.

At Centre Self Collective, in our therapeutic work we draw on lots of sensory exercises to help individuals develop a range of effective strategies that they can use when they feel stressed, overwhelmed, anxious or depressed. If you are keen to learn more or would like to explore sensory strategies in therapy, please book in with one of our friendly clinicians here. Our wonderful clinicians Bronte and Ashlee are accepting new clients and have no waitlist currently.