Amy Howell

Director and Clinical Mental Health Social Worker

Qualifications and professional memberships:  

  • Bachelor of Social Work  
  • Bachelor of Social Sciences (Psychology)  
  • Graduate Diploma of Psychology 
  • Advanced Certificate in Teaching Meditation and Mindfulness (In progress)  

Description about therapeutic approaches: 

Amy is an Accredited Mental Health Social Worker who is passionate about supporting people to develop a sense of self and a meaningful life. Amy strives to work alongside people with a thoughtful and empowering style to help people understand and navigate various challenges. Amy has a particular interest in helping people build self-awareness, manage emotions, and change patterns that developed in childhood.  

Amy primarily uses Schema therapy, Eye Movement De-sensitisation Reprocessing (EMDR) and Mindfulness. She explores the interconnectedness of individuals within their family, community and societal environments and explores how these may impact mental health.  

Amy‘s warm, non-judgmental presence creates a safe space for clients to explore their inner worlds. Grounded in person-centered, trauma-informed, and strengths-based frameworks, she advocates for her clients’ well-being with empathy and compassion. Amy is a good fit for people seeking to do long-term work. 

Amy loves reading, adventures with her dog Pepperoni, being in nature and going on camping trips. She also enjoys learning, going to art galleries, taking photos and being creative. 


  • Amy uses a range of evidence-based psychological interventions, including: 
  • Schema Therapy  
  • Eye Movement De-sensitisation Reprocessing (the EMDR)  
  • Mindfulness  
  • Motivational Interviewing  
  • Acceptance and Commitment Therapy  


  • Anxiety 
  • Couples Therapy
  • Trauma 
  • Personality disorders 
  • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder 
  • Stress management 
  • Family violence 
  • Adjustment issues 
Attribute Details
Name Amy Howell
Pronouns She/her
Quals Director and Clinical Mental Health Social Worker
Working hours Brunswick clinic:  

Tuesdays: 10:00am – 6:00pm  

Wednesday (fortnightly): 1:00pm – 8:00pm 

Thursdays: 10:00am – 5:00pm  

Fridays: 9:00am – 12:00pm  


Mondays: 1:00pm – 5:00pm  

Wednesdays (fortnightly): 1:00pm – 8:00pm

Fees Individual: $220 (Medicare rebates available. $137.70 out of pocket fee).
*Sessions after 5:00pm incur a 10% surcharge.