World Gratitude Day

Today is World Gratitude Day! The term gratitude has been growing in popularity, and for good reason!  

Dr Robert Emmons is an American Psychologist and professor who has spent several years researching gratitude. He defines gratitude as “a celebration of the good – and a recognition that this good is sourced outside the self” 

From a scientific perspective, what is particularly beneficial about gratitude is that when we take the time to acknowledge the goodness of something and how it’s meaningful to us, we find that there are lasting positive effects for our emotional health and our relationships. 

How can you celebrate World Gratitude Day? Here are six ideas to get you started:

      1. Observe when and how often you say “thank you” to people. Is this a habit? Do you pause and feel it? How much do you pay attention?

      2. Express gratitude to someone in your life – whether it is a family member, colleague, neighbour, partner, friend or anyone! Expressing gratitude can really enhance your connections and you can give someone the gift of feeling valued and appreciated. 

      3. You might want to start a gratitude journal. The more you practice reflection and recall moments of gratitude from your day, the more you enhance your emotional and social health. 

      4. Set yourself an intention or an affirmation to incorporate gratitude in your day. For example: “Today I will notice all the small things that bring me joy” or “I will cultivate an attitude of gratitude in my day”.

      5. A fun game for a family to play is the ABC of gratitude, which is where you have to work together to think of something for each letter of the alphabet you are grateful for.

      6. Fill up a jar with gratitude notes with the date on it throughout the month or year. These can be things that have made you happy, things that have made you smile, noticing beauty, moments that made you laugh, or anything! Once you fill up the jar, you read them all in one go to bask in moments of gratitude and joy. Click here to go to our shop to purchase your jar now.  

There is no doubt that this global pandemic has rattled us – in times of change and uncertainty it can be important to express appreciation and gratitude. So, celebrate today by thanking people who have had a positive influence in your life or to someone that has helped you. 

On a final note, if you’d like to learn more about gratitude, I recommend these two books: 


      • Thanks! How Practicing Gratitude Can Make You Happier by Robert Emmons.  


      • The Resilience Project: Finding Happiness Through Gratitude, Empathy and Mindfulness by Hugh van Cuylenburg 

– Amy