Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR). What is it and how can it help me?

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) is an amazing form of therapy designed to help people recover from difficult life events and trauma. EMDR was created in the 1980s by Dr. Francine Shapiro and has since been a life-changing treatment for millions worldwide.

EMDR therapy consists of eight phases, with the initial stages focused on assessment and resourcing. These phases are important and can vary in length as they help determine the right treatment plan for you and ensure that you acquire the skills and confidence to manage any distress that may arise during the process.

Here are some of the benefits of EMDR when it comes to adverse or difficult life events:

  1. Reduces the intensity of difficult memories: One of the greatest things about EMDR is its ability to lessen the emotional intensity of memories that might be overwhelming. During a session, your therapist will guide you through eye movements or other forms of bilateral stimulation while you focus on the memory, effectively desensitizing your brain and making it less distressing.
  2. Improves mood and overall well-being: EMDR has been proven effective in boosting mood and overall well-being for individuals who have gone through tough experiences. It can alleviate symptoms of anxiety, depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), ultimately improving your quality of life.
  3. Helps reprocess emotionally charged memories: Another benefit of EMDR is its capacity to help you reprocess difficult memories in a less distressing way. Your therapist will assist you in identifying negative thoughts and beliefs related to the event, and then guide you through eye movements or other forms of bilateral stimulation while you focus on the memory and the negative belief. This process allows for a more positive and adaptive reprocessing of the memory.
  4. Increases self-awareness and self-esteem: EMDR can also have a tremendous impact on self-awareness and self-esteem. As you work through challenging memories and negative self-beliefs, you’ll likely develop a greater sense of self-awareness and self-compassion. This newfound confidence and empowerment can truly transform your life.
  5. Can be effective in a relatively short period of time: Unlike some other types of therapy, EMDR can deliver results in a relatively short period. Many individuals notice improvements in their symptoms after just a few sessions, making it an excellent choice for those seeking a more time-limited therapy option.

All in all, EMDR is a highly effective form of therapy for individuals who have experienced trauma. It can help reduce the intensity of traumatic memories, improve mood and overall well-being, reprocess traumatic memories in a more positive way, increase self-awareness and self-esteem, and achieve results in a relatively short time. If you’re struggling with the effects of trauma, EMDR might be an incredibly beneficial treatment option worth considering.

Take the first step towards healing with EMDR therapy. Contact us today to schedule your session and begin your journey towards emotional well-being and resilience.

Talk again soon!

CSC Team.