CSC is passionate about providing accessible and affordable therapy. This workshop series was developed as an affordable alternative option to individual therapy.

Introducing our workshop series

Finding Stability and Calm

Our upcoming workshop Finding Stability and Calm draws from EMDR therapy and is designed just for you. In this transformative three-part series, we’ll guide you through powerful techniques to build internal resources, cultivate resilience, and embrace healing from within.

Who is the group for?

Are you wondering if EMDR is the right  therapy for you?

  • Are you struggling with anxiety that seems to control your life?
  • Do you find yourself battling depression even on your best days?
  • Have past traumas left you feeling stuck, haunted by memories you can’t shake?
  • Are you tired of feeling like your self-esteem and self-worth are constantly under attack?
  • Have you tried traditional therapy methods without finding the relief you seek?
  • Are you ready to break free from the grip of past experiences and reclaim your present?

Group Overview

  1. Have a good understanding of what EMDR is and how it works
  2. Have the knowledge, skill and confidence to decide if you would like to pursue EMDR therapy moving forward.
  3. Understand how the brain and nervous system are impacted by adverse life events
  4. Understand how past events can be linked to present concerns
  5. Establish a foundation of stability, calm and safety by developing and strengthening internal resources.
  6. Have tools to improve your emotional regulation and coping skills.

Service delivery information


The groups will run for 90 minutes; 6:30pm until 8:00pm.


The group will be run online, on Zoom.  


Our group will be led by Tamera Broughton. You can read more about them here.  


$240 for 3  x 90 minute workshop. You may be eligible for a from Medicare.

Not ready to join but want to learn more?

Complete the form below to join our mailing list for more about the workshop series, you facilitator and how it can help you.


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