Starting our Journey

Hi there!   

Thanks for stopping by our page!  

Amy and I left our full-time jobs to throw ourselves whole heartedly into our dream of empowering Australians to prioritise their mental health and wellbeing. This is how Centre Self Collective was born! We are terrified and excited to enter the entrepreneurial world. This is a total FFT (first f*&#^ time) as Brene Brown would say but we are passionate and committed and really hope to make a difference with changing the conversation about mental, emotional and social health.    

We are still currently working on our soon to come website, as well as getting all our ducks in a row behind the scenes. Shout out to anyone who is, or has, gone through the process of starting a business; your amazing, it’s hard, keep going! 

We are beyond excited to be on this journey with you, and to help you find and forge your own path toward being emotionally and mentally healthy. We have lots of tips and tricks we cannot wait to share with you, and we are just really keen to get a conversation going. Did you know that mental health is actually really, really cool and interesting?!   

One of CSC values is Health and Wellbeing. Right now, we can see that the community is facing unprecedented challenges and uncertainty as we face COVID19. The pandemic has radically shifted the way we work, socialise and live our day to day lives and has certainly taken a toll on our collective mental health. In response to the increasing need for direct one to one support Amy and I will be opening our private practice and will be ready to take referrals from September 2021. If you know of anyone struggling, please share our details and encourage them to get in touch.    

In other news, we are very close to releasing our awesome Gratitude Jar. As part of our mission, we want to develop and share powerful and effective tools with you that are accessible and can be integrated into your everyday life. We love our Gratitude Jar, it’s been hand-crafted by some very talented folks at Aurora Glass, in Melbourne and we can’t wait for that to be release, so stay tuned!  

Also coming soon:


      • A self-care online program  
      • Workshops  
      • A podcast &  
      • A shop    


Thank you – we look forward to getting to know you all. 


Tammie & Amy