Why you should consider group therapy

Have you ever considered group therapy? At Centre Self Collective, we understand that the idea may sound a little daunting at first, but we’re here to break down how it works and share some of the benefits with you. Group therapy offers a unique and dynamic environment where individuals come together to share their experiences, struggles, and triumphs in a supportive and empathetic setting.

Our group therapy sessions are thoughtfully structured around specific topics, combining psycho-education, skill-building, and reflective exercises. This means that you’ll be surrounded by others who can relate to your experiences, creating a sense of comfort and understanding. In addition to feeling supported, you’ll have the opportunity to learn from fellow group members, gaining valuable insights and coping strategies that can be incredibly impactful.

Let’s delve into the multitude of benefits that group therapy can offer:

  1. Connection and Belonging: Group therapy fosters a profound sense of connection and belonging as individuals realize they are not alone in their struggles. This shared understanding creates camaraderie and validation, leading to increased feelings of acceptance and belonging.
  2. Peer Support and Perspective: Group therapy provides a platform for peer support and perspective, allowing members to offer insights, encouragement, and feedback to one another. Hearing different viewpoints and diverse experiences can broaden perspectives and lead to personal growth and self-discovery.
  3. Increased Accountability: Within the group setting, members often experience increased accountability, motivating them to actively participate in their healing journey and implement positive changes in their lives.
  4. More Time to Practice Skills: Group therapy offers ample opportunities to practice new skills within the session, providing immediate feedback and support from both peers and the therapist.
  5. Social Skills Development: For those grappling with social anxiety or interpersonal difficulties, group therapy offers a safe space to practice and develop social skills. Through interactions with group members and guidance from the therapist, individuals can enhance their communication techniques and relationship-building skills.
  6. Emotional Expression and Validation: Group therapy encourages open and authentic emotional expression, providing a safe space for individuals to share their thoughts and feelings without fear of judgment. This validation and support can lead to emotional release and catharsis.
  7. Cost-Effectiveness: Group therapy is often more cost-effective than individual counselling, making it a viable option for those seeking affordable mental health care. By sharing the cost of sessions among group members, individuals can access high-quality therapeutic support at a fraction of the cost.
  8. Self-Discovery: Group therapy offers opportunities for self-discovery as individuals gain insights into their blind spots and patterns through interactions with group members. This increased self-awareness can lead to personal growth and improved coping skills.

Did you know that with a Mental Health Care Plan, you may be eligible for 10 individual sessions and 10 group sessions per calendar year. When you get a mental health care plan, Medicare offers a rebates towards your sessions. If you have any questions about how to obtain a plan, please read more here

Ready to embark on your healing journey? Consider joining one of our upcoming group sessions:

  • Schema Therapy: Cultivating Inner Balance (Starting February 26th): Ten week tailored for individuals grappling with self-sacrifice, approval-seeking, and subjugation tendencies.
  • Mindfulness Sessions (March 6th and April 3rd): Explore mindfulness principles and participate in guided practices from the comfort of your home.
  • Understanding Trauma (May 1st, June 5th and July 3rd): Focuses on EMDR-based foundational skills to help you develop knowledge, skills, and tools.

Don’t miss out on the chance to connect, grow, and thrive together. Reserve your spot in one of our online group therapy programs today and take the first step towards a brighter, more fulfilling future. Your healing journey starts here.

Let’s embark on this transformative journey together. We can’t wait to support you along the way.